August 11th-17th is National Health Cent

August 11th-17th is National Health Center Week, which shows appreciation to more than 1200 health centers that provide care to vulnerable communities in the U.S.. Community Heath Centers, or CHCs, treat more than 21 millions patients annually, often times overcoming language, cultural, and financial barriers that would otherwise prevent struggling families and individuals from the receiving the health care they need. Community Health Centers have been using proactive and preventive care to reduce the nation’s health care costs, and have already cut $24 billion a year by preventing costly emergency room and general hospital visits. To find a CHC near you, or to learn more about the role of CHCs in our nation’s health care, visit

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Summer seems to have finally kicked out

Summer seems to have finally kicked out all of the rain and clouds, and everyone is ready to enjoy the great outdoors! But, before you gather up family and friends, stock the cooler, and fire up the grill; here are a few things you should remember about fun in the sun.

Sun Safety:
The sun’s rays can be damaging, even in small doses, so it is important to apply sunscreen when outside, and reapply it after swimming or sweating. Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated, but go easy on alcohol, it actually dehydrates the body. It’s also smart to bring a hat and sunglasses, your eyes will thank you.

If you are bringing perishable food and drinks out, it’s often a good idea to keep them separated in two labeled coolers. This prevents people from opening the food cooler over and over again, which can let out cool air and cause food to spoil.
When grilling, keep a meat thermometer handy to inspect the burgers and brats(they should hit 160° F). This will kill the germs that can cause food poisioning. And while you’re standing there, throw some corn and peppers on the grill. They taste great and they’re a healthy side dish.

Water Safety:
One of the best ways to enjoy a Minnesota summer is on a boat or by the water. Keep in mind that lifejackets should always be on hand, one for each person, and children should be closely supervised by older, stronger swimmers. Also, being on the water while intoxicated can be extremely dangerous, whether you are driving, swimming, or just a passenger.

Following these tips will ensure that your summer activities are both fun and safe. Happy Summer, now get out there and enjoy it! For more fun facts about health, fitness, and just life in general, like us on and follow us on twitter @PeoplesCenter.

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Minority Health Month

April has held quite a few national health observances for us, but we would like to round out the month paying some special attention to a topic that we see as a very important one, minority health.  Amongst other health observances in April, we celebrate minority health month—getting out information about the disparity in health from the minority to the majority population.

Did you know that roughly 19 percent of African-Americans under the age of 65 do not have health insurance?  Also, minorities who work in low socioeconomic circumstances are at an increased risk for mortality, and African-Americans have a higher death rate for treatable diseases like diabetes, coronary heart disease and stroke, according to federal studies.

Mortality rates among adult minorities is only the start of the problem, African-American mothers are more than twice as likely as their white counterparts to receive no prenatal care in the first two trimesters of their pregnancy, many receive no care at all.  American Indian and Alaska Native communities experience a 60% higher infant mortality rate compared to the white population, and their rate of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is twice the rate of the white community’s.  Puerto Rican infants are twice as likely to die from causes related to low birth weight, compared to white infants, and African-American babies have the highest preterm birth rate of any racial or ethnic group.

Problems such as preterm birth and a high infant mortality rate can be attributed to many different factors, but some of the main concerns that have been addressed with this issue are poverty, general lack of access to health care, and a shortage of information provided to certain communities.

Minority Health Month takes time out of the year to bring these issues to light in the public eye, to get the word out there and let people know how they can help make a difference in their communities, as well as helping to get information out to those who are unaware of their resources.  This year’s theme put out by the US Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health is Advance Health Equity Now: Uniting Our Communities to Bring Health Care Coverage to All.  The campaign is working tirelessly to help bring health insurance to all the minority communities who currently go underrepresented, or unrepresented.  To learn more about how you can help spread the word and how these disparities are affecting communities around the nation, visit

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April is Sexually Transmitted Infection Awareness month

April is a wonderful time of year here in Minnesota, the snow is melting and the birds are chirping. But with April comes not only signs of Spring, but several month long health observances, one of which is Sexually Transmitted Infection Awareness. STIs and STDs rose to a new high in Minnesota during 2011 according to the Minnesota Department of Health (the 2012 statistics will be released later this month). The reportable cases of STDs including chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis — rose to 19,547 in 2011, compared to 18,009 in 2010 and 16,912 in 2009.
Getting tested regularly if you are sexually active is the most efficient way to protect both you, and your partner from spreading or developing serious complications with STIs or STDs should you become infected. Aside from getting tested, there are many ways you can protect yourself from STIs and STDs, including condoms, limiting your number of sex partners or the most effective way, avoiding sex.
If you feel you may have contracted a sexually transmitted infection, don’t panic! Many STIs and STDs are curable with prescription medication, but you should never use home remedies. Simply contact a health care professional and get a simple test to find out what steps (if any) need to be taken.
If you are between the ages of 12-22 years old you can contact Teen Age Medical Services (TAMS) for more information or to schedule an appointment at 612-813-6125, or if you are older than 22 feel free to contact us at the Cedar Riverside Clinic at 612-332-4973.

This information was obtained through the Minnesota Department of Health, learn more at

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February is Heart Health Month

Heart HealthHeart Health Month

As the organ that keeps us going, it’s extremely important to keep your heart as healthy as you can. Every year, heart disease is the number one killer of men and women in the United States, killing more than 600,000 individuals annually.

As the numbers continue to rise, it is more important than ever to be aware of heart disease and its effects. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, and smoking are the main risk factors of heart disease. About half of Americans (49%) have one of these risk factors.  To see more statistics, visit the CDC.

The good thing is that heart disease can be prevented!

Many of the factors that attribute to heart disease can be controlled by lifestyle choices. What can you do to protect your heart? Here’s a list of small changes you can make to put less stress on your heart and keep it healthy:

  • Stay Active! 30 minutes of physical activity is recommended each day.
  • Eat a healthy diet that is low in salt; low in total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol; and rich in fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Watch your weight. Excess weight puts stress on the heart.
  • Quit smoking and stay away from secondhand smoke.
  • Control your cholesterol and blood pressure.
  • If you drink alcohol, drink only in moderation.
  • Talk to your doctor about taking aspirin every day if you are a man over the age of 45 or a woman over 55.
  • Manage stress and find ways to relieve it.

Looking for ways to stay active or eat healthy? Healthfinder has some great resources!

If you are concerned with your heart health, visit People’s Center to make an appointment and get any questions you may have answered.

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June is Home Safety Month

Why do we observe Home Safety Month?

  • 55 people die in their homes each day and another 58,000 are injured and seek medical care
  • These casualties can be avoided by taking simple home safety precautions

What are some common injuries you can prevent in your home?

  • The Home Safety Council lists 5 home safety issues you can prevent in their Home Safety Brochure
  1. Prevent Falls
  2. Prevent Fires
  3. Prevent Fires and Burns
  4. Prevent Choking and Suffocation
  5. Be Smart around Water
  • To see how to prevent these issues, view the brochure here.

Important to Know

  • Call 911 for emergencies. Calling from a cell phone may not give dispatch enough information to pinpoint your location. Be ready to describe where you are located.
  • Poison Control Number is 1-800-222-1222
  • Check and make sure your smoke alarms are working. Replace batteries if need be.

If you have any other home safety tips this month, please feel free to share!

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May is High Blood Pressure Education Month

We are supporting high blood pressure education this month. Test your knowledge of HBP and learn about it below!

Test your High Blood Pressure IQ here

What is High Blood Pressure?

“High Blood Pressure (HBP) is a serious condition that can lead to coronary heart disease, heart failure, stroke, kidney failure, and other health problems.” -NHBI

HBP is considered to occur when blood pressure levels are above 140/90.

1 in 3 adults in the U.S. have HBP, usually without showing any signs or symptoms. It is important to know your blood pressure, even when feeling healthy.

What Causes High Blood Pressure?

Oxygen is carried through the body by blood. The heart pumps this blood through the system of blood vessels within your body. Pressure on the arteries is created when blood is pumped through them, causing the tissues of the artery walls to stretch. HBP occurs when too much force is applied, and the artery walls get stretched beyond a healthy limit.

Common causes can include:

  • Hypertension
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Thyroid disease
  • Birth control pills, hormone therapy, or pregnancy in women
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle Choices

Who is at risk for High Blood Pressure?

HBP risk varies with age, gender, and race. Risk increases with age and is more common in males than in females. It is also found more among African American adults than Caucasian or Hispanic American adults.

Typical high-risk ages for HBP are males 45 and older, and females 55 and older.

Heredity is also a major factor in determining risk for HBP. Family history of HBP increases risk for you and/or your children to develop HBP.

Other contributing factors include:

  • Lack of Physical activity
  • Poor Diet
  • Obesity
  • Excessive alcohol consumption

For more detailed information on understanding your risk for HBP, visit the American Heart Association’s Website

Preventing High Blood Pressure

  • Follow a healthy diet (reduce sodium intake)
  • Participate in regular physical activity
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Manage your stress
  • Limit alcohol consumption
  • Avoid tobacco consumption
If you are concerned about high blood pressure, you can visit the People’s Center for assistance.

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March is National Nutrition Month

The American Dietetic Association’s theme for March 2011 is

“Eat Right with Color.”

In honor of the ADA’s theme, we’ve made up a little slogan of our own: “March forth, and eat apples…and bananas and yams and blueberries and broccoli!” Though it may seem simple, following a diet that is rich in color and texture can actually be quite difficult for many people—especially those with a busy lifestyle. When you’re constantly on the go it can be hard to break out of that quick, easy to consume processed food cycle. Many people opt for a packaged breakfast bar instead of a morning grapefruit, and while some of those breakfast bars do have a lot of essential proteins and grains, swapping fresh produce for processed carbohydrates too often can quickly pack on the pounds.

So what’s a regular Joe or Jane with a hankering for some diet improvement to do? Well, we have a few tips:

Pick a different color food to focus on each day of the week, the brighter the better. If you choose orange for Monday, get your daily dose of fruits and veggies with some carrots, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, and more. If Tuesday is purple, opt for grapes, plums, eggplant, and so on. Try eating an entire rainbow and by the end of the week we promise you’ll be feeling great.

Use fruit to cure a sweet tooth. Soda, candy, and chewy treats loaded with refined sugar are just begging to become cavities. And while we’d be glad to fix up your pearlies for you at our new dental clinic, both your teeth and your body will thank you if you simply practice good oral and nutritional hygiene from the get-go.

Check out the ADA’s Tip of the Day on the website! Their helpful daily hints are loaded with great information and easy ways to make March your healthiest month yet.

Not enough fun for you? Check out these awesome interactive games instead.

But don’t think that the only key to a healthy lifestyle is healthy eating. Exercise and regular physical activity are just as important. Our registered Nutrition Educator and Clinical Dietitian Kathryn Hang has these tips to share:

-Exercise for at least 30 minutes 5 days a week.

-Aim for 20,000 steps a day.

-Pay attention to your BMI (Body Mass Index). BMI is a measure of body fat based on height and weight. The higher the BMI, the greater risk for diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, etc.

And finally…

-Start attending our Shape-Up program! It’s an excellent and fun way to get your body movin’, groovin’, and improvin’ in no time. Visit our website for more details or speak with Kathryn directly at 612-305-1311

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February is American Heart Month

Heart disease is the number one cause of death.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and is a major cause of disability. The most common heart disease in the United States is coronary heart disease, which often appears as a heart attack.



Know Your Signs and Symptoms

  • Chest discomfort.
  • Discomfort in other areas of the upper body..
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Other signs. These may include breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea, or lightheadedness

Diseases and Conditions That Put Your Heart at Risk

  • High cholesterol
  • high blood pressure
  • obesity
  • diabetes
  • tobacco use, and secondhand smoke

Healthy Lifestyle: Diet and Nutrition, Exercise and Fitness

  • Choose lean meats and poultry without skin and prepare them without added saturated and Trans fat.
  • Select fat-free, 1% fat and low-fat dairy products.
  • Cut back on foods containing partially hydrogenated vegetable oils to reduce Tran’s fat in your diet.
  • Cut back on foods high in dietary cholesterol.
  • Choose and prepare foods with little or no salt.
  • If you drink alcohol, drink in moderation.
  • Keep an eye on your portion sizes.
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Free Massage Therapy!

People’s Center Health Services excitedly announces the addition of free massage therapy!

What is Massage Therapy?

Massage therapy is a relaxing treatment that has been around for thousands of years. Massage therapists use a variety of techniques to work the muscle tissue, releasing tension and improving circulation.

Benefits of Massage
Massage therapy isn’t just about pampering, but it has important health benefits. In fact, you get the greatest benefit when massage therapy is part of your regular wellness routine.

Health benefits include:
• Pain relief
• Reduced anxiety and depression
• Temporarily reduced blood pressure and heart rate

What to Expect During Your People’s Center Massage:
A trained massage therapist, Surafel, a student from Minnesota School of Business, will greet you and discuss your health history. Dress normal and once ready to begin, you will take a seat in a relaxing massage chair.

Sessions are between 10 and 50 minutes depending on your needs. You can have just one session or sign up for multiple appointments. After your massage, we recommend that everyone increase their water intake for the next 24 hours.

Tuesdays 9:00am-6:00pm
Thursdays 9:00am-4:00pm
Second floor, room 208

Massage Techniques:
And more!

Call 612.332.4973 to schedule
an appointment or get more information.
The massage sessions are completely free. Walk-ins welcome or you may call to make an appointment!

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